
Survey of Executives

The report analyzed data from a survey of executives from U.S.discount Buy Oakley Radar fake hospitals and physician groups, insurers and pharmaceutical and life sciences companies. More than half of the organizations reported a privacy or security-related issue related to health data over the last two years Koenig said.discount knock off Oakley Holbrook fake 

Theft accounted for percent of publicly reported breaches including stolen laptops smart phones and other electronic devices, misuse of patient data to submit fraudulent claims and people seeking care in someone elses name.Thieves are most often knowledgeable insiders, such as people in admissions billing computer programmers the janitorial staff even in security, who get access either to building facilities or to computer systems for information Koenig said. 

While the report didnt specify how many security thefts were carried out by insiderspercent of surveyed providers reported an incident of improper internal use of protected health information during the past two years. Over the past several years thefts by insiders or disgruntled former employees have surpassed disclosures by hackers and outsiders Koenig said. 

The target in a hospital setting is either health insurance information to be able to resell access to people who dont have insurance or most often access to prescription drugs which are a commodity that can be sold on the street he said.discount knock off Oakley Active fakeAlmost three-quarters of the executives said they were already sharing or intending to share patient data for clinical studies, post-market surveillance of drugs or the development of new discount knock off Oakley Special Editions fakeprograms while less than half had addressed privacy and security issues the report found.discount knock off Oakley Fuel Cell fake

